Definition of Quivtrembling and shExamples of Quivering in a senQuivering when she came out of the chilly water, the swimmer decided that it was too cold to swim after all. The quivering jelly shook back and forth on the serving platter as it was delivered to the table. Lost and alone, the puppy spent the cold winter night shakily quivering in an abandoned barn. … [Read more...] about Quivering used in sentence example & words in English
sentence in english
Quiver used in sentence example & words in English
Definition of Qto shudder with a slight sound or motion, usually because of strong feeExamples of Quiver in a senI knew Jill was upset when her lips started to quiver. If you are really Ann’s friend, you will tell her she does not look cute when she makes her false eyelashes quiver. Jack’s voice started to quiver when he talked about his dead wife. Whenever I … [Read more...] about Quiver used in sentence example & words in English
Quittance used in sentence example & words in English
Definition of Quita release or discharge from aExamples of Quittance in a senThe man received a quittance from his debt, despite the fact that he had yet to pay it all off. It is very difficult to get a quittance on a debt, since most loaners want to get reimbursed for the money they gave you. You may be able to get a quittance from government debts depending on the … [Read more...] about Quittance used in sentence example & words in English
Quite used in sentence example & words in English
Definition of significantly; fExamples of Quite in a senSeasoned wings were quite tasty, but not as delicious as the corn on the cob. To be December, it was quite warmer than usual. When it was my turn to sing on stage, I was quite nervous. The pond was quite deep and contained many different types of fish and other aquatic animals. I was surprised that … [Read more...] about Quite used in sentence example & words in English
Quitclaim used in sentence example & words in English
Definition of Quita legal document that transfers ownership of a property from one person to anExamples of Quitclaim in a senA quitclaim deed was issued to Jenny after her mother transferred the property into her name. The cottage will legally belong to Myra once the lawyer completes the quitclaim transfer paperwork. The issuance of a quitclaim document will make it … [Read more...] about Quitclaim used in sentence example & words in English
Quit used in sentence example & words in English
Definition ofto leave a place or stop doing aExamples of Quit in a senThe teacher wanted to quit her job, but she has to find another one first. Michael is trying to quit smoking through the help of his doctor. The boy’s mom will force him to quit the football team if he doesn’t do well in school. We quit playing dolls and started drawing instead. When … [Read more...] about Quit used in sentence example & words in English
Quisling used in sentence example & words in English
Definition of Quia traitor who helps an enemy that has taken control of his or her coExamples of Quisling in a senThe quisling was a traitor who helped the British when they came to try and take over his country. A traitor to his country, Benedict Arnold, was written doing in history as a treacherous quisling. Hanging his head in shame, the spineless quisling was … [Read more...] about Quisling used in sentence example & words in English
Quirky used in sentence example & words in English
Definition of Qunusual, but in an attractive or interestinExamples of Quirky in a senDressed in quirky sunglasses and a colorful dress, the eccentric performer captured the attention of everyone in the room. Because of her quirky personality, the peculiar girl stood out amongst her normal siblings. The quirky yellow cottage is decorated in a strange yet attractive … [Read more...] about Quirky used in sentence example & words in English
Quirk used in sentence example & words in English
Definition of an odd behavior or different way of acExamples of Quirk in a senJanice has this irritating quirk of rolling her eyes whenever she speaks. According to Ken, his habit of constantly wringing his hands is just an uncontrollable quirk. Wearing only pink socks is Greg’s oddest quirk. In the film, the killer’s quirk of styling his victims’ hair led the … [Read more...] about Quirk used in sentence example & words in English
Quip used in sentence example & words in English
Definition ofa clever statExamples of Quip in a senI punched my brother when he made a quip about my hair. Because the teacher did not understand my quip, she asked me to stay after class to explain my comment. The president responded to the journalist’s question with a clever quip. Although the comic thought he made a funny quip, he actually offended the … [Read more...] about Quip used in sentence example & words in English
Quintet used in sentence example & words in English
Definition of Qua musical composition or movement for five instruments or Examples of Quintet in a senThe Jackson Five sang a quintet that required all of them to play an instrument or sing. Humming along to the quintet, the choir director tried to decide which five singers she would get to sing each part. A guitar, violin, a set of drums, and two singers are needed … [Read more...] about Quintet used in sentence example & words in English
Quintessential used in sentence example & words in English
Definition of Quintessea model example of a specific quExamples of Quintessential in a senThe critics love the director’s latest film and consider it to be the quintessential horror movie. Combined together, rosemary and pork are the quintessential ingredients for a meat dish. Everyone knows watermelon is the quintessential fruit on a hot summer day. Before … [Read more...] about Quintessential used in sentence example & words in English
Quintessence used in sentence example & words in English
Definition of Quintesmost perfect example of itsExamples of Quintessence in a senHillary has always been the quintessence of high fashion, so I was taken aback when I saw her wearing an old, saggy pair of jeans and a ragged T-shirt. Babies are the quintessence of purity; if only we could preserve that sweetness for a lifetime. These chocolate bars are the … [Read more...] about Quintessence used in sentence example & words in English
Quilt used in sentence example & words in English
Definition of a blanket made by sewing fabric squares or pieces together usually in a paExamples of Quilt in a senWhen I unfolded my grandmother’s hand-sewn quilt, I could see different shapes coming together in a specific design. By laying the quilt on the bed, you could still see several shapes stitched together to create the part of a star. Using the colorful … [Read more...] about Quilt used in sentence example & words in English
Quill used in sentence example & words in English
Definition of a pen made from the feather of aExamples of Quill in a senPlacing the pointed black quill on the paper, the president prepared to write a letter to the general. A quill was crafted from a long bird feather and was used to write notes. As far back as the 2nd century B.C., people could use a feather-crafted quill to pen out messages. Dipping his … [Read more...] about Quill used in sentence example & words in English