words associated with crises
Synonyms of crisis
boiling point: : the temperature at which a liquid boils
breaking point: : the point at which a person gives way under stress
clutch: : to grasp or hold with or as if with the hand or claws usually strongly, tightly, or suddenly He clutched his chest and appeared to be in pain.
conjuncture: : conjunction , union
crossroad(s): : a road that crosses a main road or runs cross-country between main roads
crunch: : to chew or press with a crushing noise
crunch time: : a critical moment or period (as near the end of a game) when decisive action is needed
Dunkirk: : a retreat to avoid total defeat
emergency: : an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action
exigency: : that which is required in a particular situation — usually used in plural exceptionally quick in responding to the exigencies of modern warfare — D. B. Ottaway
extremity: : the farthest or most remote part, section, or point the island’s westernmost extremity
flash point: : the lowest temperature at which vapors above a volatile combustible substance ignite in air when exposed to flame
head: : the upper or anterior division of the animal body that contains the brain, the chief sense organs, and the mouth nodded his head in agreement
juncture: : a point of time at this juncture
tinderbox: : a metal box for holding tinder and usually a flint and steel for striking a spark
zero hour: : the hour at which a planned military operation is scheduled to start
Words Related to crisis
contingency: : a contingent event or condition: such as
possibility: : the condition or fact of being possible
climax: : a figure of speech in which a series of phrases or sentences is arranged in ascending order of rhetorical forcefulness
turning point: : a point at which a significant change occurs
happening: : something that happens : occurrence
landmark: : an object (such as a stone or tree) that marks the boundary of land
milestone: : a stone serving as a milepost (see milepost sense 1 )
condition: : a premise upon which the fulfillment of an agreement depends : stipulation
pass: : move , proceed , go The boat was too tall to pass under the bridge.
situation: : the way in which something is placed in relation to its surroundings
strait: : strict , rigorous
deadlock: : a state of inaction or neutralization resulting from the opposition of equally powerful uncompromising persons or factions : standstill the deadlock was broken with a key compromise
impasse: : a predicament affording no obvious escape
stalemate: : a drawing position in chess in which a player is not in checkmate but has no legal move to play
corner: : the point where converging lines, edges, or sides meet : angle
fix: : to make firm, stable, or stationary We led out more rope and fixed it in place up steeper snow. — Joe Tasker & Peter Boardman
hole: : an opening through something : perforation The coat has a hole in it. a bullet hole
hot water: : trouble sense 4 , difficulty was in hot water with the authorities
jam: : a food made by boiling fruit and sugar to a thick consistency
last ditch: : fought or conducted from the last ditch : waged with desperation or unyielding defiance put up a last-ditch resistance
pinch: : to squeeze between the finger and thumb or between the jaws of an instrument
predicament: : the character, status, or classification assigned by a predication
scrape: : to remove from a surface by usually repeated strokes of an edged instrument
spot: : a taint on character or reputation : fault the only spot on the family name
eleventh hour: : the latest possible time before it is too late still making changes at the eleventh hour
last minute: : the moment just before some climactic, decisive, or disastrous event
Phrases Synonymous with crisis
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