words associated with cryptic
Synonyms of cryptic
arcane: : known or knowable only to a few people : secret arcane rites an arcane ritual
deep: : extending far from some surface or area: such as
enigmatic: : of, relating to, or resembling an enigma : mysterious
enigmatical: : of, relating to, or resembling an enigma : mysterious
impenetrable: : incapable of being penetrated or pierced
inscrutable: : not readily investigated, interpreted, or understood : mysterious an inscrutable smile inscrutable motives
mysterious: : of, relating to, or constituting mystery the mysterious ways of God
mystic: : mystical sense 1a
occult: : to shut off from view or exposure : cover , eclipse the light of a star that was about to be occulted … by Uranus itself — Jonathan Eberhart
uncanny: : seeming to have a supernatural character or origin : eerie , mysterious
Words Related to cryptic
dark: : devoid or partially devoid of light : not receiving, reflecting, transmitting, or radiating light a dark room
darkling: : in the dark
fuzzy: : marked by or giving a suggestion of fuzz a fuzzy covering of felt a fuzzy stuffed toy
murky: : characterized by a heavy dimness or obscurity caused by or like that caused by overhanging fog or smoke the murky bottom of the lake
obscure: : dark , dim the obscure dusk of the shuttered room
shadowy: : of the nature of or resembling a shadow
vague: : not clearly expressed : stated in indefinite terms vague accusations
ambiguous: : doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness eyes of an ambiguous color
equivocal: : subject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse an equivocal statement
imponderable: : not ponderable : incapable of being weighed or evaluated with exactness the imponderable beauties of Beethoven’s … sonatas — Cecelia Porter
incomprehensible: : having or subject to no limits
unfathomable: : not capable of being fathomed:
unintelligible: : unable to be understood or comprehended : not intelligible a song with unintelligible lyrics unintelligible jargon … including parenthetical translations of the words and phrases he knew would be unintelligible to contemporary readers. — John N. Green
unsearchable: : not capable of being searched or explored : inscrutable
inexplicable: : incapable of being explained, interpreted, or accounted for an inexplicable disappearance
unaccountable: : not to be accounted for : inexplicable , strange
unexplainable: : incapable of being explained : inexplicable , unaccountable a seemingly unexplainable occurrence unexplainable behavior
unanswerable: : not capable of being answered
unknowable: : not knowable
metaphysical: : of or relating to metaphysics metaphysical truth metaphysical speculation
mystical: : having a spiritual meaning or reality that is neither apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence the mystical food of the sacrament
numinous: : supernatural , mysterious
supernatural: : of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe
abstruse: : difficult to comprehend : recondite the abstruse calculations of mathematicians abstruse concepts/ideas/theories
esoteric: : designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone a body of esoteric legal doctrine — B. N. Cardozo
recondite: : difficult or impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledge to comprehend : deep a recondite subject
baffling: : extremely confusing or difficult to understand a baffling decision found the directions utterly baffling
befuddling: : to muddle or stupefy with or as if with drink … befuddled with drink all the time. — Ellen Glasgow
bewildering: : extremely confusing or difficult to understand an utterly bewildering experience a bewildering number of possibilities … a place of odd traditions and bewildering practices. — David Williamson
confounding: : to bring to ruin : destroy
confusing: : to bring to ruin
disorienting: : to cause to lose bearings : displace from normal position or relationship
mystifying: : to perplex the mind of : bewilder
perplexing: : to make unable to grasp something clearly or to think logically and decisively about something her attitude perplexes me a perplexing problem
puzzling: : difficult to understand or solve puzzling symptoms
Near Antonyms of cryptic
fathomable: : a unit of length equal to six feet (1.83 meters) used especially for measuring the depth of water — sometimes used in the singular when qualified by a number five fathom deep
intelligible: : capable of being understood or comprehended jargon intelligible only to the initiated
understandable: : to grasp the meaning of understand Russian
apparent: : open to view : visible The changes were readily apparent .
clear: : bright , luminous bonfires clear and bright — Shakespeare
evident: : clear to the vision or understanding
manifest: : readily perceived by the senses and especially by the sense of sight Their sadness was manifest in their faces.
obvious: : being in the way or in front
open-and-shut: : perfectly simple : obvious
palpable: : capable of being touched or felt : tangible palpable lymph nodes
patent: : open to public inspection — used chiefly in the phrase letters patent
perspicuous: : plain to the understanding especially because of clarity and precision of presentation a perspicuous argument
plain: : lacking ornament : undecorated
straightforward: : free from evasiveness or obscurity : exact , candid a straightforward account
transparent: : having the property of transmitting light without appreciable scattering so that bodies lying beyond are seen clearly : pellucid
unambiguous: : not ambiguous : clear , precise unambiguous evidence
unequivocal: : leaving no doubt : clear , unambiguous
unmistakable: : not capable of being mistaken or misunderstood : clear
Synonyms of cryptic
ambiguous: : doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness eyes of an ambiguous color
arcane: : known or knowable only to a few people : secret arcane rites an arcane ritual
dark: : devoid or partially devoid of light : not receiving, reflecting, transmitting, or radiating light a dark room
deep: : extending far from some surface or area: such as
Delphic: : of or relating to ancient Delphi or its oracle
double-edged: : having two cutting edges a double-edged knife
elliptical: : of, relating to, or shaped like an ellipse
elliptic: : of, relating to, or shaped like an ellipse
enigmatic: : of, relating to, or resembling an enigma : mysterious
enigmatical: : of, relating to, or resembling an enigma : mysterious
equivocal: : subject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse an equivocal statement
fuliginous: : sooty
inscrutable: : not readily investigated, interpreted, or understood : mysterious an inscrutable smile inscrutable motives
murky: : characterized by a heavy dimness or obscurity caused by or like that caused by overhanging fog or smoke the murky bottom of the lake
mysterious: : of, relating to, or constituting mystery the mysterious ways of God
mystic: : mystical sense 1a
nebulous: : of, relating to, or resembling a nebula : nebular
obscure: : dark , dim the obscure dusk of the shuttered room
occult: : to shut off from view or exposure : cover , eclipse the light of a star that was about to be occulted … by Uranus itself — Jonathan Eberhart
opaque: : blocking the passage of radiant energy and especially light : exhibiting opacity (see opacity sense 1 )
Words Related to cryptic
abstruse: : difficult to comprehend : recondite the abstruse calculations of mathematicians abstruse concepts/ideas/theories
esoteric: : designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone a body of esoteric legal doctrine — B. N. Cardozo
recondite: : difficult or impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledge to comprehend : deep a recondite subject
cloaked: : a loose outer garment
concealed: : to prevent disclosure or recognition of conceal the truth She could barely conceal her anger.
disguised: : to change the customary dress (see dress entry 2 sense 1 ) or appearance of disguised herself in a wig and glasses
masked: : marked by the use of masks a masked ball
shrouded: : shelter , protection
beclouded: : to obscure with or as if with a cloud
bedimmed: : to make less bright
befogged: : confuse
clouded: : a visible mass of particles of condensed vapor (such as water or ice) suspended in the atmosphere of a planet (such as the earth) or moon
cloudy: : of, relating to, or resembling cloud cloudy smoke
dim: : emitting or having a limited or insufficient amount of light dim stars a dim lamp a dim hallway
faint: : lacking courage and spirit : cowardly faint of heart
foggy: : filled or abounding with fog
fuzzy: : marked by or giving a suggestion of fuzz a fuzzy covering of felt a fuzzy stuffed toy
hazy: : made dim or cloudy by or as if by fine dust, smoke, or light vapor in the air : obscured by or as if by haze (see haze entry 1 sense 1a ) hazy weather a hazy view of the mountains
indistinct: : not distinct: such as
indistinguishable: : not distinguishable: such as
misty: : obscured by mist
muddy: : morally impure : base
obfuscatory: : to throw into shadow : darken
obnubilated: : becloud , obscure
obscurant: : tending to make obscure obscurant language
obscurantic: : tending to make obscure obscurant language
shaded: : comparative darkness or obscurity owing to interception of the rays of light
shadowlike: : partial darkness or obscurity within a part of space from which rays from a source of light are cut off by an interposed opaque body
shadowy: : of the nature of or resembling a shadow
sphinxlike: : a winged female monster in Greek mythology having a woman’s head and a lion’s body and noted for killing anyone unable to answer its riddle
indefinite: : not definite: such as
inexact: : not precisely correct or true : inaccurate an inexact translation
inexplicit: : not explicit
noncommittal: : giving no clear indication of attitude or feeling a noncommittal reply He was noncommittal about how the money would be spent.
questionable: : inviting inquiry
unclear: : not clear: such as
uncertain: : not known beyond doubt : dubious an uncertain claim
undefined: : not defined: such as
undetermined: : not definitely or authoritatively decided, settled, or identified : not determined an undetermined boundary an undetermined species at an as yet undetermined time an undetermined number of people
vague: : not clearly expressed : stated in indefinite terms vague accusations
impenetrable: : incapable of being penetrated or pierced
incomprehensible: : having or subject to no limits
indecipherable: : incapable of being deciphered indecipherable writing an indecipherable message
inexplicable: : incapable of being explained, interpreted, or accounted for an inexplicable disappearance
eerie: : so mysterious, strange, or unexpected as to send a chill up the spine a coyote’s eerie howl the similarities were eerie
eery: : so mysterious, strange, or unexpected as to send a chill up the spine a coyote’s eerie howl the similarities were eerie
uncanny: : seeming to have a supernatural character or origin : eerie , mysterious
weird: : of strange or extraordinary character : odd , fantastic
impalpable: : incapable of being felt by touch : intangible the impalpable aura of power that emanated from him — Osbert Sitwell
inappreciable: : too small to be perceived an inappreciable amount
intangible: : not tangible : impalpable education’s intangible benefits
invisible: : incapable by nature of being seen : not perceptible by vision a movie about an invisible man invisible ultraviolet light
unanswerable: : not capable of being answered
unknowable: : not knowable
baffling: : extremely confusing or difficult to understand a baffling decision found the directions utterly baffling
bewildering: : extremely confusing or difficult to understand an utterly bewildering experience a bewildering number of possibilities … a place of odd traditions and bewildering practices. — David Williamson
confounding: : to bring to ruin : destroy
confusing: : to bring to ruin
mystifying: : to perplex the mind of : bewilder
perplexing: : to make unable to grasp something clearly or to think logically and decisively about something her attitude perplexes me a perplexing problem
puzzling: : difficult to understand or solve puzzling symptoms
unfathomable: : not capable of being fathomed:
circuitous: : having a circular or winding course a circuitous route a circuitous journey by snowmobile
indirect: : not direct: such as
roundabout: : circuitous , indirect had to take a roundabout route
complex: : a whole made up of complicated or interrelated parts a complex of welfare programs the military-industrial complex
complicated: : consisting of parts intricately combined a complicated recipe complicated machinery
difficult: : hard to do, make, or carry out : arduous a difficult climb
obtuse: : not pointed or acute : blunt
Near Antonyms of cryptic
comprehensible: : capable of being comprehended : intelligible a comprehensible explanation
fathomable: : a unit of length equal to six feet (1.83 meters) used especially for measuring the depth of water — sometimes used in the singular when qualified by a number five fathom deep
intelligible: : capable of being understood or comprehended jargon intelligible only to the initiated
knowable: : to perceive directly : have direct cognition of
legible: : capable of being read or deciphered : plain legible handwriting
pellucid: : admitting maximum passage of light without diffusion or distortion a pellucid stream
understandable: : to grasp the meaning of understand Russian
bright: : radiating or reflecting light : shining , sparkling bright lights bright eyes
distinct: : distinguishable to the eye or mind as being discrete (see discrete sense 1 ) or not the same : separate a distinct cultural group teaching as distinct from research
evident: : clear to the vision or understanding
self-evident: : evident without proof or reasoning
self-explanatory: : explaining itself : capable of being understood without explanation
certain: : fixed , settled a certain percentage of the profit
firm: : securely or solidly fixed in place his teeth were firm
strong: : having or marked by great physical power
sure: : safe from danger or harm
defined: : to determine or identify the essential qualities or meaning of whatever defines us as human
determined: : having reached a decision : firmly resolved was determined to become a pilot is determined not to let it happen again
direct: : to cause to turn, move, or point undeviatingly or to follow a straight course X-rays directed through the body
straightforward: : free from evasiveness or obscurity : exact , candid a straightforward account
definite: : free of all ambiguity, uncertainty, or obscurity demanded a definite answer Her position on the issue was definite .
exact: : to call for forcibly or urgently and obtain from them has been exacted the ultimate sacrifice — D. D. Eisenhower
explicit: : fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity : leaving no question as to meaning or intent explicit instructions
appreciable: : capable of being perceived or measured no appreciable difference
palpable: : capable of being touched or felt : tangible palpable lymph nodes
tangible: : capable of being perceived especially by the sense of touch : palpable
visible: : capable of being seen stars visible to the naked eye
blatant: : noisy especially in a vulgar or offensive manner : clamorous
patent: : open to public inspection — used chiefly in the phrase letters patent
unmistakable: : not capable of being mistaken or misunderstood : clear
Antonyms of cryptic
accessible: : capable of being reached a remote region accessible by rail
clear: : bright , luminous bonfires clear and bright — Shakespeare
nonambiguous: : not capable of being understood in two or more possible senses or ways : unambiguous nonambiguous instructions
obvious: : being in the way or in front
plain: : lacking ornament : undecorated
unambiguous: : not ambiguous : clear , precise unambiguous evidence
unequivocal: : leaving no doubt : clear , unambiguous
Cryptic – Meaning Pronunciation Examples and Synonyms
Let’s move on to the next interesting word cryptic. Cryptic also has other form cryptically. (00:16) Learn About cryptic (00:23) Meaning Of cryptic (00:58) …
Cryptic Meaning Definition Pronunciation Example Synonym Antonyms
This video explain about the meaning, definition, pronunciation of the word Cryptic with examples and few synonyms and antonyms. Cryptic Meaning of Cryptic …
Cryptic Meaning
Video shows what cryptic means. Having hidden meaning.. Mystified or of an obscure nature.. Involving use of code or cipher/cypher.. Cryptic Meaning. How to …
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