Ribeiro | Galician white wine |
Rioja | good wine from Logroño |
rábanos | radish |
ragout de ternera | veal ragout |
rape a la americana | monk fish with brandy and herbs |
rape a la cazuela | monk fish stew |
rape a la plancha | grilled white fish |
raviolis | ravioli |
raya | skate |
redondo al horno | roast fillet of beef |
remolacha | beetroot |
repollo | cabbage |
repostería de la casa | cakes baked on the premises |
requeson | cream cheese/cottage cheese |
revuelto de ajos tiernos | scrambled egg with spring garlic |
revuelto de angulas | scrambled egg with baby eels |
revuelto de gambas | scrambled egg with prawns |
revuelto de sesos | scrambled egg with brains |
revuelto de trigueros | scrambled egg with asparagus |
revuelto mixto | scrambled eggs with mixed vegetables |
riñones al jerez | kidneys with sherry |
riñones | kidneys |
rodaballo | turbot |
romero | rosemary |
ron | rum |
roscas | sweet pastries |
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