hígado con cebolla | liver cooked with onions |
hígado de ternera estofado | braised liver of veal |
hígado estofado | braised liver |
hígado | liver |
habas con jamón | broad beans with ham |
habas fritas | fried young broad beans |
habas | broad beans |
habichuelas | beans |
helado de caramelo | caramel ice cream |
helado de chocolate | chocolate ice cream |
helado de fresa | strawberry ice cream |
helado de mantecado | vanilla ice cream |
helado de nata | plain ice cream |
helado de vainilla | vanilla ice cream |
higos con miel y nueces | figs with honey and nuts |
higos secos | dried figs |
horchata (de chufas) | cold almond-flavoured milk drink |
huevo hilado | egg yolk garnish |
huevos a la flamenca | fried eggs with hamtomato and vegetables |
huevos cocidos | hard boiled eggs |
huevos con jamón | eggs with cured ham |
huevos con mayonesa | boiled eggs with mayonnaise |
huevos con panceta | eggs with bacon |
huevos con patatas fritas | fried eggs and chips (fries) |
huevos con picadillo | eggs with minced Spanish sausage |
huevos con salchichas | eggs and sausages |
huevos escalfados | poached eggs |
huevos fritos con chorizo | fried eggs with Spanish sausage |
huevos fritos con jamón | fried eggs with cured ham |
huevos fritos | fried eggs |
huevos pasados por agua | soft-boiled eggs |
huevos rellenos | stuffed eggs |
huevos revuelto con tomate | scrambled eggs with tomato |
huevos revueltos | scrambled eggs |
huevos | eggs |
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