A => the letter A
abaisser => to pull/push down, to lower
abandonné => (adj) – abandoned, disused; relaxed
abattre => to pull down; to slaughter; to weaken
un abcès => abscess
À bientôt => See you soon
s’abonner à => to subscribe, to buy a season ticket
aborder => to reach; approach; start up, take on
aboutir => to succeed; to end up
abracadabrant => (adj) – incredible, preposterous
un abri => shelter, refuge
abrutir => to exhaust, to deaden one’s mind =>
absent => (adj) – absent, lacking, missing
Acadie => Acadia
accablant => (adj) – exhausting, oppressive, overwhelming
un accélérateur => gas pedal
les accessoires (m) => accessories
accro => (inf adj) – hooked, addicted
une accroche => lead-in, catch phrase, headline
l’acharnement (m) => fierceness, fury, determination
les achats (m) => shopping
à côté de => next to
un acteur => actor
actif => (adj) – active
l’actif (m) => assets, credits
une actrice => actress
actualité (f) => current events, news
l’addition (f) => check/bill
Adélaïde => Adelaide
Adèle => Adela
À demain => See you tomorrow
Adieu => Farewell
un(e) ado => (inf) – teenager
Adrien => Adrian
Adrienne => Adriana
à droite => right
un aeroport (m) => airport
affadir => to make tasteless, dull, uninteresting, colorless
une affiche => poster
afficher => to post, display, flaunt
affubler => to wear something bizarre (as if to disguise)
Africain(e) => African
Agathe => Agatha
Agnès => Agnes
à gauche => left
l’agneau (m) => lamb
une agrafe => staple
une agrafeuse => stapler
agréable => nice, pleasant, pleasing
agréger => to aggregate, incorporate
ah bon => (interj) – oh really? (not “oh good”)
Aidez-moi ! => Help!
Aimé => (loved)
Aimée => Amy, (loved)
à la carte => side order (not part of le menu)
Alain => Alan, Allen
alambiqué => (adj) – convoluted, involved, obsure
À la prochaine => Until next time
à la rigueur => (adv) – or even, if need be
Alexandre => Alexander
Alexandrie => Alexandria
Alfred => Alfred
Algérien(ne) => Algerian
Alice => Alice
Alix => Alex
alléchant => (adj) – mouth-watering, tempting, enticing
allergique à … => allergic to…
une alliance => wedding ring
Allô ? => Hello?
alourdir => to weigh/load down, to make heavy
Alphonse => Alfonso
un amant => lover
une amante => lover
un amateur => amateur, lover of
Amélie => Amelia
améliorer => to improve
Américain(e) => American
un(e) ami(e) => friend
amical => (adj) – friendly
les amis => the friends
amitié (f) => friendship, liking, kindness
l’amour => love
une ampleur => fullness, liberalness, opulence; scale, extent
un ananas => pineapple
Anastasie => Anastasia
les anchois => anchovies
les anciens élèves => former students
André => Andrew
Andrée => Andrea
anéantir => to annihilate, destroy; to overwhelm, overcome
une anesthésie locale => local anesthesia
Anglais(e), l’anglais => English
anglo-saxon => (adj) – of or relating to British civilization
une anicroche => (inf) – hitch, snag, problem
animer => to lead, conduct; drive, encourage; liven up
animé => (adj) – busy, lively, animated
Anne => Ann
l’anniversaire de mariage => wedding anniversary
un annuaire => phone book
anonymat (m) => anonymity
un anorak => ski jacket
Antoine => Anthony
Antoinette => Antoinette
août => August
à peine => (adv) – hardly, barely
un apéritif => cocktail
à point => medium-rare
un appart => (fam) – apartment, flat
un appel en P.C.V. => collect call
appeler => to call
apprivoiser => to tame, domesticate, make more sociable
appui (m) => support
après être venu => after having come
l’arabe => Arabic
l’argenterie (f) => silverware
une armoire => closet
arnaquer => (fam) – to swindle, rip off; to nab, arrest
arracher => to lift, tear out/off, pull up/out; to snatch
un arrêt => stop
arrière (m) => back, stern
en arrière => behind, backwards
les arrivées => Arrivals
un arrondissement => district; rounding, swelling
arroser => to water, spray, (inf) – to drink to
Arthur => Arthur
un artichaut => artichoke
un(e) artiste => artist
Asiatique => Asian
les asperges (f) => asparagus
assez => fairly
assez utile => fairly useful
une assiette => plate
assoupir => to make drowsy
s’assoupir => to doze off
assuré => (adj) – confident
astreindre => to compel, force
à ta santé => cheers
atavique => (adj) – atavistic, hereditary
à temps partiel => (adv, adj) – part-time
à tes souhaits => bless you (after a sneeze)
un atout => asset, trump card
À tout à l’heure => See you soon
un attentat => murder attempt, attack
attention ! => (interj) – Warning! Watch out!
une aubergine => eggplant
Audrey => Audrey
au fait => by the way; informed of; Get to the point!
Auguste => Augustus
Augustin => Augustus
auparavant => (adv) – beforehand, previously
au pif => as a rough guess, at random
Aurore => (dawn)
autant => (adv) – as much/many, so much/many
une auto => car
une autoroute => highway
l’auto-stop (m) => hitchhiking
auprès de => (prep) – next to, compared with, in the view of
Au revoir => Good-bye
Au secours ! => Help!
au téléphone => on the phone
Australien(ne) => Australian
l’autobus => bus
automne => autumn
avant hier => the day before yesterday
avec elle => with her
avenant => (adj) – pleasant, welcoming
un aventurier => adventurer
avéré => (adj) – known, recognized
s’avérer => to turn out (that)
l’avion => plane
un avocat, une avocate => lawyer (barrister)
avoir => to have =>
avoir faim => to be hungry
avoir soif => to be thirsty
à vos souhaits => bless you (after a sneeze)
à votre santé => cheers
avouer => to avow, confess, admit
avril => April
150+ French words that start with A
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