makai~demon world (YYH concept)
Makai no Ojigisou~Demon World Mimosa
makenai~Don’t lose ( A sort of encouragement, like “ganbatte”)
makkuro(na)~jet black
masaka~it can’t be …/no kidding!/you don’t say!/impossible!/could it be?
matte~wait (you could put it as “Chotto matte” – which is “Hey, wait!”)
matta ne/matta na~see you around/see you later
miko~priestess/shrine maiden
[this is from Fushigi Yuugi! (yet again) Miaka is Suzaku no Miko, the Priestess/Shrine Maiden of Suzaku, the phoenix god.]
minna/minna-san/minna-sama~everyone (Adding the “-san” or “-sama” thing is just like when you add it to a name: it makes the phrase more formal. :P)
moshi-moshi~hello (on phone) [other hello fashions: (shouting at door)~ Gomen kudasai]
nan de mo~whatever
nani (sometimes written as nanni; same thing)/nanda~what? [nan (before t, d, n); nan no…, nani-… (before any sound); (which) dono…; (in what way) do]/ what was that?
nani shugure~What the (hell) was that for?!/What’cha do that for?!
nani ten no~What did you say?
nani-go~what language
naze/naze da~Why?
nazo~riddle; mystery
ne~isn’t that so?/right? (at the end of a sentence); hey (at the beginning of a sentence)
nibuunoichi~half; one half; one of two
Ningenkai~Human World (YYH concept)
nire~yew (tree) {^_^; cool, eh Psycho?}
no~makes something possesive (like the ‘s of the English language.)
.. no tame ni~”For” – in place of the elipse (the “…”), substitute a name or a thing. (The opening theme of Fushigi Yuugi is “Itooshi Hito no Tame Ni” – which translates to “For my Sweetheart”/”For my Beloved”/”For the One I Love”, etc. [if you couldn’t tell, a lot of definations were found from White Cat’s site ~IB-chan]
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