list of positive adjectives that beginning with L
Ladylike characteristic of a lady or woman; well-bred.
Laid-back relaxed and unhurried; easy-going.
Lambent softly brilliant, bright or radiant; flickering softly and lightly on or over a surface; having a gentle glow (especially without heat); luminous; twinkling.
Large big; of relatively or considerable great size, extent or quantity; abundant; full; boastful; profuse; liberal; tolerant.
Large-hearted generous and sympathetic.
Larruping excellent or delicious (especially food); very good.
Lasting enduring; durable; existing, remaining or continuing for a long time.
Latitudinarian libertine; tolerant and not restrained views (especially in religion).
Laudable praiseworthy; commendable; healthy; salubrious.
Laudatory conferring or expressing praise; extolling.
Laureate worthy of the greatest honor; decked or crowned with laurel.
Lavish excessive; very abundant; profuse v. to bestow or give in abundance or profusion.
Law-abiding abiding the laws of society; free from criminal record.
Lawful authorized, recognized, established or constituted by law or rules; rightful.
Leading principal; best; chief; guiding; directing preceding; occurring in advance.
Leading-edge most up-to-date; latest; leading; the forefront or cutting edge (especially of technological development).
Learned knowledgeable; highly educated; skillful.
Legal a legal right; being allowed by law or rules.
Legendary extremely popular; famous; fabled.
Legible apparent; possible to decipher or read.
Legit legal; legitimate; cool; genuine.
Legitimate lawful; authentic; genuine.
Leisured having leisure and free time; relaxed.
Leisurely unhurried; characterized by leisure.
Lenien permissive; generous; merciful; tolerant; not strict n. an emollient; a lenitive.
Leonine of or characteristic of or relating a lion.
Lepid jocose; pleasant.
Lettered literate; learned; highly educated.
Level-headed rational; sensible.
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