list of positive adjectives words that beginning with M
Made created, produced, invented artificially; pieced together; successful.
Magical enchanting; supernatural; beautiful, delightful, good or powerful (especially as being seemingly supernatural).
Magnanimous generous, tolerant, understanding and noble in spirit; unselfish.
Magnetic having an ability or power to attract; attractive.
Magnificent grand, splendid or elegant in appearance; outstanding or exceptional for its kind.
Maiden earliest or first; fresh; pure; virgin.
Main most important; principal; absolute; great in degree or size; vast; extremely strong.
Majestic exhibiting or possessing majesty, dignity or nobility; noble; grand.
Major great in number, scope, size, extent or effect; greater than others.
Malleable capable of being formed, shaped or influenced.
Manageable capable of being managed, controlled or used; possible to do.
Managerial of or pertaining to a manager or management.
Manifest clearly apparent to the senses, mind or judgment; obvious.
Manly indicating or having good characteristics traditionally attributed with men, such as courage, spirit or
strength; masculine.
Mannerly polite; respectful; civil.
Many numerous; amounting to or consisting of a large number.
Marked having an identifying or visible mark; clearly evident.
Marvelous miraculous; exciting surprise or wonder; astonishing; extraordinarily great or good.
Masculine characteristic or suggestive of a man; mannish.
Master predominant or principal; highly proficient or skilled.
Masterful very skillful or powerful; expert; in the manner of master; fit to command or lead.
Masterly showing or having the skill or knowledge of a master; domineering.
Matchless without equal; unsurpassed.
Maternal of or pertaining to a mother; motherly.
Matter-of-fact adhering to facts only; literal.
Mature having reached full development or growth; perfected.
Maturing approaching maturity.
Maximal being the highest or greatest possible; largest; most complete.
Meaningful having a meaning, function or purpose; significant.
Mediate being in a middle position or between extremes; connected indirectly through another person or something.
Meditative of or pertaining to meditation; deeply thoughtful.
Meek showing humility and patience; gentle; humble.
Mellow soft, juicy and sweet; soft and rich in quality; calm; relaxed; having a pleasing and full flavor through proper
Melodious tuneful; having a pleasant sound or melody.
Memorable worth being noted or remembered; remarkable; very important; easy to remember.
Merciful exercising or having mercy; gracious; compassionate.
Meritable deserving praise or reward.
Meritorious deserving praise or reward; worthy of honor or recompense.
Merry jolly; joyous; happy; offering fun, laughter and gaiety.
Mesmerizing holding and attracting interest and amazement as if by spell.
Metaphysical highly theoretical or abstract; supernatural; immaterial.
Meteoric like a meteor in brilliance, speed or brevity.
Methodical characterized by systematic and ordered behavior or habits.
Meticulous extremely precise and careful.
Mettlesome courageous; fiery; full of spirit.
Mighty very strong and powerful; excellent; wonderful; great in size, extent or degree.
Mindful attentive; observant; heedful; regardful.
Minikin small; diminutive; miniature.
Ministerial acting or serving as a minister or agent; tending to promote or advance.
Mint like new or near in perfect condition.
Miraculous so wonderful and astounding as to suggest a miracle; wonderful; phenomenal; supernatural.
Mirthful full of merriment, gladness and gaiety; jovial.
Mitigative alleviating; tending or serving to mitigate.
Mitigatory alleviating, lessening or reducing the effect of something.
Model worthy of imitation or copying.
Modern pertaining to the current style and time; avant-garde; ahead of the times of current era.
Modernistic recently developed style or fashion.
Modest unpretentious and humble; sufficient or limited in size or scope.
Momentous very important; critical; weighty.
Moneyed wealthy; having a great supply of money or possession of value.
Moral virtuous; exhibiting or teaching correctness or goodness of behavior and character.
More greater in amount, number, size, extent or degree; additional; extra.
Most greatest in amount, number, degree and the like.
Mother characteristic of a mother.
Motivated enthusiastic striving toward goal or action.
Motivating encouraging to action or causing motion.
Motivational intended or tending to motivate.
Motor producing or causing motion.
Moving producing or causing motion; capable of arousing deep emotion.
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