Amor – a loving nickname you say to another person. Usually the one you love. It is also the word for love.
Amorfo – can be used to refer to an ugly person. It literally means without form.
Achuchar – to hug someone to the point that they can´t breath.
Acojonar – to frighten someone to the extreme.
Agobio – when someone feels overwhelmed.
Estar acojonado – to feel tremendous fear caused by somebody else.
Arpía – a girl with very bad intentions .
Mala leche – to do something with bad intentions.
A saco paco – to do something without thinking and very fast.
Botellón – a meeting with friends in a park or public place with a lot of alcohol involved.
Estar de bajón – to feel very depressed and unwilling to do anything.
Borracho/a – someone that had too much to drink.
Ser bestial – to be the best at something.
Bocazas – a person with a big mouth.
Buitre – a person who hoards everything.
Bien dotao – a person who has everything perfect.
Cabrón – the male goat or someone that is playing a practical joke to another person.
Cachas – one who is all muscle.
Cuatro ojos – anyone who wears glasses. Also known as “Gafotas”.
Chulo – a person that thinks he´s so Macho.
Comerse un marrón – to get into a lot of trouble
Descojonarse de la risa – to laugh hysterically.
Demente – someone that is crazy.
Empollón/a – a young person who studies all the time and has no social life.
Forrarse – to become rich in an instant.
Perro faldero – one that follows you around all the time like a dog.
Guay – very colloquial Spanish saying to express that we really like something.
Guiri – non Spaniard, mostly used for tourists.
Gorrón – one that´s always begging for something and getting away with it.
Antro – a very bad pub.
Gótica/o – an unbearable and tiresome person that always complains.
Grogui – like groggy in English.
Guaperas – a gorgeous guy.
Genio – someone that´s brilliant.
Ir de tapeo or Tapear – to go for some tapas.
Jeta – a cheeky monkey.
Lameculos – people that kiss their bosses butt.
Ligón – the guy that gets the girl every time.
Lunático/a – a very crazy person.
Mamón – a very stupid person.
Mearse de la risa – to laugh so hard you feel you´re going to pee in your pants.
Machaca – one that works himself out at the gym all the time non stop.
Mantenido – a guy that cannot pay the rent so needs a rich woman by his side.
Novato/a – someone that is unexperienced, a rookie.
Ojú – Andalusian exclamatory expression.
Paticorto/a – a person with short legs.
Pegarse un hostión – to fall on your face.
Palizón – getting beat up.
Hechar un polvo – to have sex.
Peña – a group of people.
Pijo – a guy that´s a fashion victim and always wears the best stuff.
Pedorro/a – the one that farts a lot.
Pendón berbenero – a pro.
Rajar sobre algo – to talk and talk and talk. (rajar a alguien – hurt someone with a knife)
Resaca – a hangover.
Resacón – a really big hangover.
Soboón – a very touchy person.
Soplagaitas – Scottish bagpipes playing or someone very annoying and not bright.
Sudarséla – when you really don’t care about something.
Tocapelotas – a guy that´s always on your nerves.
Trola – a big Lie.
Trolero/a – a big liar.
Trincar – to get something illegally or if you get it yourself means to get caught by the cops.
Trena – jail.
Tostón – something extremely boring.
Vacilar – to be in doubt or if you´re doing it to somebody you´re trying to pull their leg.
Vacilón – someone that cannot make up his or her mind or someone that´s tying to annoy somebody else by pulling their leg.
Vidorra – to live the life you´re meant to live .
Yuyú – to experience something bad.
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