words associated with annoyer
Synonyms of annoyer
annoyance: : the act of annoying someone or of being annoyed
bother: : to annoy especially by petty provocation : irk It bothers her when people litter. bothered by the itchy tag on his shirt
gadfly: : any of various flies (such as a horsefly, botfly, or warble fly) that bite or annoy livestock
gnawer: : to bite or chew on with the teeth
nudnik: : a person who is a bore or nuisance
nudnick: : a person who is a bore or nuisance
nuisance: : harm , injury relieving the nuisance of poisonous fumes from rural factories —Collier’s Yr. Bk.
pain: : punishment the pains and penalties of crime
persecutor: : to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict
pest: : an epidemic disease associated with high mortality
tease: : to make fun of : kid
teaser: : one that teases
Words Related to annoyer
headache: : pain in the head
harrier: : any of a breed of hunting dogs resembling a small English foxhound and originally bred for hunting rabbits
heckler: : to harass and try to disconcert with questions, challenges, or gibes : badger
interrupter: : one that interrupts
interruptor: : one that interrupts
hassle: : a heated often protracted argument : wrangle embroiling myself in a long, exasperating hassle with masons —S. J. Perelman
plague: : a disastrous evil or affliction : calamity
harasser: : exhaust , fatigue I have been harassed with the toil of verse —William Wordsworth
molester: : to annoy, disturb, or persecute especially with hostile intent or injurious effect The zookeeper warned the visitors not to molest the animals.
tormentor: : one that torments
tormenter: : one that torments
torturer: : the infliction of intense pain (as from burning, crushing, or wounding) to punish, coerce, or afford sadistic pleasure
Phrases Synonymous with annoyer
Near Antonyms of annoyer
charmer: : the chanting or reciting of a magic spell : incantation
smoothy: : a smooth-tongued person
smoothie: : a smooth-tongued person
comforter: : holy spirit
solacer: : to give comfort to in grief or misfortune : console
soother: : true
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